Fyrnwy Equine Hospital 01939 260251
Wrexham Equine Clinic 01978 664459
Fyrnwy Equine Group's home page
Fyrnwy Equine Hospital 01939 260251
Wrexham Equine Clinic 01978 664459



Dental care is an essential part of good horse management and welfare. All of our ambulatory vets are equipped with a full range of dental floats and automated dental equipment to ensure that routine dental treatment may be performed efficiently and safely. Our dedicated standing theatre and hospital facilities ensure that we can provide the full range of dental services from routine maintenance to dental extractions including include MTE (Minimally-invasive transbuccal extraction ), endodontic treatment and sinus surgery. Surgical treatment of more complex dental issues are carries out by Tim Froydenlund MA VetMB CertAVP(ESO) MScR DipECVS MRCVS RCVS a European Specialist in Equine Surgery who has a specialist interest in dental cases.

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